本帖最后由 Independent 于 2011-2-12 21:44 编辑
: C8 ^& q% S4 y- d1 a* C+ o& ?" O( P- w
“像世界许多地方,安省电力 将越来越贵”-【时文摘译】
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译序:政府日前发出小册页花费$100万元,却透露了电费将上涨的信息。多伦多星报在解释安省省长的话时,披露道。“电费较高增长 是因为目前的供电系统,能量充沛而污染较少,预计在未来五年内另外在目前基础上 增加百分之46”。jin管安省许诺将在未来五年给予居民及中小工商总消费电费10%的补贴 " 如同世界其他地方一样,安省的电费将会上涨““Like in a lot of world, electricity prices in Ontario are goingup!"- 政府宣传小册页原文。
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( M7 v9 m# D+ v; r$ V& _( P多伦多星报 二月七日 题 “Ontario to launch $1 million blitz to explain soaring energy costs” Z4 t% v6 z- W0 R0 A* q2 n
February 07, 2011-Robert Benzie
4 A1 z: v" i( q+ T5 q O9 _+ {- {% `; z3 J6 d4 a
9 U& p5 ], i% W2 y0 JWhile generation is more plentiful and less polluting, electricity bills have skyrocketed and are expected to increase an additional 46 per cent over the next five years.9 h2 w& k) N. _( B+ c
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“We’re now in a position where we’ve got a reliable supply and we’re doing it in a really smart way. We’re doing it in a way that creates thousands of new jobs,” said McGuinty, referring to the Green Energy Act that subsidizes clean wind and solar generators with hopes of creating 50,000 new jobs over three years.# n( ]3 P; P$ I5 w0 N
% l5 M" H$ _, E' J! K! w“It’s cleaning up our air so I just want to give Ontarians a sense of why we’re doing this and what we’ve been able to achieve together,” he said.% O3 H8 K5 Z1 r
8 K! A2 i6 y! F$ p
- y. R7 |, X- f! b多伦多星报 二月七日 题 ““Ontario to launch $1 million blitz to explain soaring energy costs”
5 ^0 ~% A" i5 f$ n1 r4 O9 P( U; ]# O- mFebruary 07, 2011-Robert Benzie
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+ o+ F& ~+ W% N4 o, T' H& k( Y
/ ~+ x: y) {- T) U& P0 a8 u“电费较高增长 是因为目前的供电系统,能量充沛而污染较少,预计在未来五年内另外在目前基础上 增加百分之46”。目前的情况是,我们已经目前有了一个愈加可靠的系统保证电能供应,而目前我们所作的是理智的。目前的电力系统改造创造了成千上百的新的就业机会。麦坚迪说:“这指的是安省绿色清洁能源法,对 阳太 供电系统以及与风能发电场支持 ,及在三年内创造50000个新就业机会”“这是为了洁净我们的空气,所以我只是想告诉安大略居民一个理念,为什么我们需要这样做的,和为什么我们能够共同实现这一理念原因所在“他说。# a% `- A- n. n N; s
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8 W$ ~1 h" s. i6 A. [/ Fhttp://www.thestar.com/printarticle/9342396 f1 L# p8 g' q6 A
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7 b4 N2 M4 [4 L& @) O' o% i: j0 p“Like in a lot of world, electricity prices in Ontario are going up! "- 政府宣传小册页。
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